Merciful Death

Louis de Pointe Du Lac

Played by Brad Pitt, Louis was a plantation owner in New Orleans, when he lost his family.
After spending time wallowing in his grief and drowning his sorrow in liqour and whores.
He was swept up by the vampire Lestat in 1791 and given the choice of death or live forever as his companion vampire.
After years of escapades with Lestat and the short lived existance or their immortal daughter, Louis abandoned Lestat and approached a mortal writer named Daniel.  He narrated his immortal existance to Daniel as a sort of biography that came to be called Interview with the vampire.

Lestat de Lioncourt

Played by Tom Cruise, Lestat was a young man when he was branded the nickname 'wolf killer' after almost killed by a pack of wolves that tormented his town in France.
After contemplating his purpose in the world, his mother Gabrielle convinced him to go to Paris to take part in the theater, this was a huge oppurtunity for Lestat and he took it along with his best friend Nicolas.
Unfortunately while while acting, he caught the attention of a very old vampire, named Magnus.
Magnus grabbed Lestat without any choice and forced him into the world of immortality and then quickly destroyed himself in the sun.
Lestat was left with no guidelines or ideas in the existance of being a vampire, after trying and failing the relationship with Nicolas as a vampire.
After some years Lestat became lonely and decided he needed a vampire companion and found it in a depressed plantation owner in New Orleans named Louis.


Played by a young Kirsten Dunst, Claudia was a young little girl when Louis found her grasping to her mothers corpse.
After feeling sorry for the small girl, Louis thought it best to end her misery by feeding his own blood lust.
But Lestat found him and chose to bring her into their small vampire family.
Claudia eventually grew tired of Lestat's evil ways, and took it upon herself to destroy him.
When her and Louis went on their way in the darkness, unfortunately they were taken in by Paris vampires and her actions upon Lestat were found punishable by the vampiric law and she was destroyed in the sunlight while Louis was held captive.


Played by Antonio Banderas, Armand was the owner of The Theatre de s Vampires in Paris.
When Louis and Claudia came to him and his minions to find more truth to the vampire existance.
Armand, fell in love with the soulful being Louis and let his vampires destroy his vampire daughter, Claudia.
After Louis took out his revenge on the Theatre, and set fire to the vampires who killed Claudia.
Louis and Armand travelled together as companions until Louis grew tired of him and decided he prefered to roam the earth alone.


Daniel is the journalist and writer Louis approaches and tells his story about Lestat, Claudia and Armand to.
After listening to the story, Daniel becomes greedy and lust for the idea of being a vampire. But Louis refuses to ever turn another and turns away from the writer.  But Daniel still writes and publishes the story Interview with the vampire.

All images are taken from the 1994 film Interview with the Vampire are are sole property of Warner Bros. There is no intention of copyright infringement.